
Ключевые слова

What are the clear signs of a hypertensive crisis, not only hypertensive patients, but also their relatives should know. Normal and elevated blood pressure values are individual for each person. When a crisis occurs, signs of impaired cerebral or coronary blood supply are observed.


Hypertensive crisis is a severe form of arterial hypertension. It can happen at any time. It is observed more often in women than in men. The cause of the incident lies in the violation of blood pressure regulation. If arterial hypertension is common in 40% of the population, then only 1% of cases can have a sharp jump from the basic values, which leads to a sharp deterioration in health with a high risk of death.


Библиографические ссылки

Farrukh S. ORGANIZATION OF DIGITALIZED MEDICINE AND HEALTH ACADEMY AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE IN MEDICINE //Science and innovation. – 2023. – Т. 2. – №. Special Issue 8. – С. 493-499.

Sarkisova, V., Lapasova, Z., & Shernazarov, F. (2023). O. Rakhmanov INFLAMMATORY DISEASES OF THE PELVIC WOMEN ORGANS.

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Jalalova, D., Axmedov, A., Kuryazov, A., & Shernazarov, F. (2022). COMBINED DENTAL AND EYE PATHOLOGY. Science and innovation, 1(8), 91-100.

Shernazarov F., Zuhridinovna J. D. Microcirculation disorders in the vascular system of the bulbar conjunctiva in the initial manifestations of cerebral blood supply deficiency //Science and innovation. – 2022. – Т. 1. – №. Special Issue 2. – С. 515-522.

Solovyova, Y., Prostyakova, N., Sharapova, D., & Shernazarov, F. (2023). The relevance of psychotic disorders in the acute period of a stroke. Science and innovation, 2(D12), 212-217.

Rotanov, A., Karshiyev, Z., Sharapova, D., & Shernazarov, F. (2023). Diagnosis of depressive and suicidal spectrum disorders in students of a secondary special education institution. Science and innovation, 2(D11), 309-315.

Shernazarov F. COMBINED DENTAL AND EYE PATHOLOGY //Science and Innovation. – 2022. – Т. 1. – №. 8. – С. 91-100.

Madaminov M., Shernazarov F. Breast cancer detection methods, symptoms, causes, treatment //Science and innovation. – 2022. – Т. 1. – №. D8. – С. 530-535.

Jalalova, D., Axmedov, A., Kuryazov, A., & Shernazarov, F. (2022). СОЧЕТАННАЯ СТОМАТОЛОГИЧЕСКАЯ И ГЛАЗНАЯ ПАТОЛОГИЯ. Science and innovation, 1(D8), 91-100.

Prostyakova, N., Solovyova, Y., Sharapova, D., & Shernazarov, F. (2023). Issues of professional ethics in the treatment and management of patients with late dementia. Science and innovation, 2(D12), 158-165.

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Sedenkova M. et al. The possibility of predicting the time of formation and development of alcohol dependence: the role of genetic risk, family weight and its level //Science and innovation. – 2023. – Т. 2. – №. D12. – С. 173-178.

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Prostyakova N. et al. Strategy for early diagnosis with cardiovascular diseaseisomatized mental disorders //Science and innovation. – 2023. – Т. 2. – №. D12. – С. 166-172.

Tahirova, J., Roziklov, N., Mamatkulova, F., & Shernazarov, F. (2022). Insomnia problem causes of sleep disorder, help measures at home. Science and innovation, 1(D8), 521-525.

Qizi T. J. I., Farrukh S. Treatment of myocardial infarction and first aid //Science and innovation. – 2022. – Т. 1. – №. D3. – С. 317-320.

Rotanov A. et al. Elderly epilepsy: neurophysiological aspects of non-psychotic mental disorders //Science and innovation. – 2023. – Т. 2. – №. D12. – С. 192-197.

Abdurakhmanov I., Shernazarov F. SPECIFIC ASPECTS OF TREATMENT OF CHRONIC RHINOSINUSITIS IN CHILDREN //Science and innovation. – 2023. – Т. 2. – №. D10. – С. 164-168.

Tahirova J. et al. Neurose causes and mechanisms of development, symptoms, treatment, prevention //Science and innovation. – 2022. – Т. 1. – №. D8. – С. 515-520.

Tahirova J., Shernazarov F. Symptoms of hymoritis, treatment, methods of folk medicine, prevention //Science and innovation. – 2022. – Т. 1. – №. D8. – С. 983-990.

Shodiyeva D., Shernazarov F. Analysis of the compounds providing antihelmitic effects of chichorium intybus through fractionation. Science and innovation, 2 (D2), 64-70. – 2023.

Jalalova D., Normatova N., Shernazarov F. Genetic markers for the development of diabetic retinopathy //Science and Innovation. – 2022. – Т. 1. – №. 8. – С. 919-923.

Abdukodirova S., Shernazarov F. SPECIFIC CHARACTERISTICS AND TREATMENT OF ACUTE OBSTRUCTIVE BRONCHITIS IN CHILDREN OF EARLY AGE //Science and innovation. – 2023. – Т. 2. – №. D11. – С. 5-8.