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«Бабурнаме», паремия, пословица, поэтическая пословица, узбекские народные пословицы в «Бабурнаме», персидско-таджикские пословицы.


In the history of our literature The 15th century and the first half of the 16th century deserve special attention for the wealth of immortal works, and also that this period gave humanity many geniuses of science and literature. In particular, many great scientists, hundreds of poets and writers, historians, scientists and artists worked fruitfully only in Movaraunnahr. Both Persian and Turkish readers enjoyed the masterpieces created in Persian and Turkish. Works of art, historical records, historical sources created in both languages ​​complement and enrich each other. One of such masterpieces is undoubtedly the Baburnama, written by Zahiriddin Muhammad ibn Umarsheikh Mirza Babur.

This article talks about the work “Baburnama”, which is considered an important memoir in world literature and source studies, the first prose historical and scientific source in Uzbek literature, as well as about proverbs - folk proverbs in the work. The scientific and practical significance of “Baburnama” is emphasized, the incomparable value of the proverbs and wise words found in it, the features of their study and analysis in the education of the younger generation, and the author’s skill in this regard.

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Bobur, Zahiriddin Muhammad. Boburnoma. Nashrga tayyorlovchi: P.Shamsiev. –Toshkent: Yulduzcha, 1989. –368 b. Misol keltirilgan maqollar sahifasi qavsda ko‘rsatilgan.