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Guzel Yakhina, novel “train to Samarkand”, work, discussion, discussion.


One of the features of the work of the modern author Guzel Yakhina is her appeal to the dramatic events of the country's history. In the novel “Echelon to Samarkand” the main theme is the depiction of famine in the early 1920s. First of all, this theme is revealed through the example of the fate of children, whose salvation is the key conflict of the work. The plot-forming motif in the novel becomes the motif of the path, the development of which is associated with several meanings: this is the actual movement of the train from Kazan to Samarkand, and the path of children from life to death, from homelessness to home, and the life path of the main characters. The path motif makes it possible to expand the novel's perspective and character sphere, including a large number of heroes occupying different positions in relation to the new Soviet system, which makes it possible to convey the drama of the era. The author shows that even in the most inhuman historical circumstances, humanity did not completely die out in people, which is manifested in their participation in saving children.

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