

Temperature, silicon p-n junctions, Avalanche breakdown of real p-n, Since the microplasma breakdown, the most low-voltage, resistivity over the cross, distribution of power lines, high metal contact, dispersion resistance.


The appearance of mycoplasmas is accompanied by the emission of light and hot electrons. In this case, the type of the reverse branch of the VAC in the region of strong electric fields and the magnitude of the voltage V of the breakdown of the p-n junction are determined mainly by microplasmas. Each successive gap in the VAC curve is associated with the appearance of a new mycoplasma and with each inclusion the steepness of the VAC increases, since this leads to a decrease in dynamic resistance. The authors showed that the breakdown voltage of mycoplasmas V increases with increasing temperature, and the thermal voltage coefficient (TCN) of the breakdown of microplasma is greater the higher the value of the breakdown voltage of the diode.



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