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Ключевые слова

лексическое значение, фразеологическое значение, лексико-фразеологическое значение, контекстное значение


The further progress of the science of linguistics requires, along with the theory of language, the study of its practical aspects. One such practical activity is the study of the linguistic features of a work of art . Uzbek is a very rich and fertile language with meaning. In this sense, writers and poets seek to find and apply in the desired place words in accordance with and in accordance with the purpose and essence of the image among the metaphors.

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Библиографические ссылки

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Shomaqsudov А., Rasulov I., Qo‘ng‘urov R., Rustamov H. O‘zbek tili stilistikasi. – Toshkent: O‘qituvchi. 1983. – 362 b.